Home Economics Victoria advocates Skills for life to achieve optimal and sustainable wellbeing for individuals, families and communities.

Our purpose is underpinned by our values and we believe:

- It is important for individuals to be empowered to make healthy choices and take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing

- In the importance of developing resources such as food, nutrition and health knowledge and managing resources such as time, money and energy

- Individuals must have practical opportunities to utilise theoretical knowledge and make informed decisions as a means of developing essential life skills. Many young people do not receive such opportunities at home to develop practical skills (cooking; food and nutritional literacy; health and lifestyle choices), risk-management skills and strategies for managing their own wellbeing

- Home economics education facilitates the development of knowledge and skills to assist with the development of independent, resourceful consumer citizens capable of making informed decisions and establishing work/life balance. We believe this is achievable by engaging and educating young people in a variety of home economics contexts such as food; nutrition and health, consumerism and resource management; human development and family studies.